All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Akhlaque Haque

Advisory Committee Members

Nevbahar Ertas

Wendy Gunther-Canada

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Public Administration (MPA) College of Arts and Sciences


Asset-based citizen development provides a comprehensive theoretical framework for the development of individual assets through a methodological process that incorporates asset-based community development theory, organizational knowledge management practices, and human resource accounting principles. Borrowing inspiration from John Kretzmann and John McKnight's (1993) theory of asset-based community development, asset-based citizen development concentrates on the asset and skill development of the citizen through collective opportunities for transactional exchanges of assets and skills with other community actors. Knowledge management practices and human resource accounting principles supplement asset-based community development by providing universities a systematic method for the organizational implementation of a process that teaches students how to develop, measure, and present assets and skills to the employer and practitioner community. Asset-based citizen development offers a plan and solution for the current labor market skills gap crisis while allowing universities to maintain academic freedom and regional control over curriculum and coursework. Additionally, asset-based citizen development aspires to be a remedy to socioeconomic inequalities that result in a knowledge economy and knowledge society in which those who do not posses certain assets and skills suffer negative ramifications as a result.



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