All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Murat M Tanik

Advisory Committee Members

Varadraj P Gurupur

Murat N Tanju

Melinda M Lalor

Lee G Moradi

Dale W Callahan

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Engineering


The capacity to address and solve today's complex problems is becoming exceedingly more difficult because of the transdisciplinary nature of our current system of knowledge. Innovative solutions are no longer the by-products of centralized offices and laboratories. In fact, crafting solutions for truly complex problems requires a collaborative sharing of knowledge that transcends the artificial boundaries of departmentalized offices and research facilities. For decades, segmented information systems built on distributed platforms have kept transdisciplinary problem solving fragmented, without the ability to effectively share knowledge or data. This segmentation has stifled the progress of research reaching beyond the traditional boundaries of a single discipline. Sharing resources and information is slowed further by geography. Therefore, a growing need has arisen to expand current and create new methods and theories into a conceptual model that integrates acquisition, storage, management and analysis of data that transcends existing perspectives. Collaboration via social computing is needed to replace the existing knowledge exchange with a new one that reinforces the exchange of knowledge across disciplines and specializations. Furthermore, social computing provides an opportunity for an expanded collaboration and knowledge exchange. The second generation of web-based communities and hosted service, or Web 2.0, provides the perfect mix of technologies for enabling collaboration that garners community intelligence. These factors can only be addressed through the creation of a model that addresses the collaboration and knowledge integration gap. The Transdisciplinary Problem Solving Model (TPSM) addresses these issues by utilizing techniques that are conducive to collaboration, which empower transdisciplinary problem solving. The result is the creation of a paradigm that provides scientists with the ability to seamlessly communicate and share intelligence. The TPSM provides the ability to disseminate insights gained through the use of common standards, vocabularies and systems that enable data integration and knowledge sharing in a systematic way. The TPSM also uses sophisticated techniques such as the use of concept maps, social bookmarking and wikis. These, in turn, encourage research that explores shared ideas and expands the application of scientific discoveries.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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