All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Douglas H Ross

Advisory Committee Members

Dalton S Nelson

Daneesh Simien

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Mechanical Engineering (MME) School of Engineering


New and innovative robotic designs are always needed in both research and commercial fields. To that end, new and innovative actuators are needed as well. In this paper, a digitally controlled Nitinol actuator, Diginol, is proposed. Diginol is a Nitinol actuator that uses Joule heating to individually activate partitions of a length of Nitinol. The lengths of the partitions follow a base-2 pattern, minimizing the number of partitions required for a given number of actuation lengths. Activating separate partitions instead of the entire length of Nitinol circumvents the need to account for the hysteresis and nonlinearities inherent in the transformation of Nitinol.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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