All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Virginia P Sisiopiku

Advisory Committee Members

Talat Salama

Andrew Sullivan

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) School of Engineering


The recent interest in smart growth, livable communities, and sustainability creates new opportunities for the adoption, expansion, and enhancement of transit services in communities across the U.S. Given that promoting livability and alternative modes is a key priority in the U.S. DOT's agenda, research on economic impacts from integration of transit is both timely and essential. This is important as many of the possible gains from such integration are not fully understood and properly measured to date, such as the related health and quality of life benefits. This thesis analyzes the economic impacts from the implementation of a transit improvement project in a community. The project plan includes expansion and re-design of transit routes to better serve local needs, necessary provisions to accommodate transit user needs (such as a central station terminal, stops, shelters etc.) as well as proposed supporting infrastructure design changes to maximize access to public transportation and to encourage transit ridership in mixed-use residential/commercial areas. The thesis presents a detailed transit improvement plan and then identifies associated costs and benefits from the investment for the users and community as a whole. This analysis is expected to help transportation planning, transit, and health professionals better coordinate their efforts to create a more "livable" environment in the case study community and to serve as a model for other communities that are interested in considering viable alternatives which can offer citizens healthier and more sustainable transportation choices.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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