All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Scott Snyder

Advisory Committee Members

Rose Mary Newton

Martha Barber

Loucrecia Collins

Deborah T Horn

Margaret Rice

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education


AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP AMONG SCHOOL LEADERS IN AN URBAN SCHOOL DISTRICT HEATHER CLAIBON JACKSON EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP ABSTRACT The purpose of this quasi-experimental mixed-methods study was to determine if servant leadership was present in the research setting, the relationship between the scored Servant Leadership Profile Revised (SLPR) and selected demographic and professional variables, and the perceptions and professional practices of servant leadership among school leaders. The participants (n = 74) consisted of school leaders in an academically and financially challenged urban school district in a southern state. As measured by the SLPR instrument (Page & Wong, 2003), approximately 30% of the participants were identified as servant leaders. No significant differences in self perceptions of servant lea-dership were discovered between male and female principals and school leaders, between elementary and secondary principals, or among Africa American, Caucasians, or Other principals/school leaders. The percentage of participants who did not score positively as servant leaders (68.9%) more than doubled those who scored positively as servant leaders (31.1%). The 10 principals and/or school leaders interviewed spoke favorably of servant leadership as a successful leadership style and identified five servant leadership themes: Humility, Inspiring Leadership, Service to Others, Community Service/Stewart, and Faith. Also identified were three other themes that were contributing factors to the first five servant leadership themes: Influences, Ethical Issues, and Lessons Learned.

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