All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Amy Y Landry

Advisory Committee Members

Larry R Hearld

Patricia A Patrician

Scott W Snyder

Robert Weech-Maldonado

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Health Professions


The three publishable manuscripts contained within this dissertation examine the predictors and performance outcomes of hospital community orientation. Community orientation is the customization of hospital services to meet identified community health needs. Together, these papers fill gaps in the literature regarding the factors that assist or hinder hospitals from being community-oriented, as well as the effects of community orientation. The first paper uses longitudinal data to examine the organizational and environmental factors that may influence how engaged hospitals are in a community orientation strategy based on the number of activities performed. The remaining papers consider the performance outcomes of community orientation. The second paper is a cross-sectional examination of whether community-oriented activities moderate the relationship between certain subpopulations and readmission rates for three medical conditions. The third paper also uses longitudinal data to determine whether a relationship exists between community orientation and hospital financial performance, as well as if hospital ownership status moderates that relationship. Each paper discusses its own conceptual and methodological contributions to the field, which have implications for future research, practice, and policy.



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