All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Nataliya V Ivankova

Advisory Committee Members

Larry Hearld

Tapan Mehta

Laura Q Rogers

John Waterbor

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Health Professions


The purpose of this dissertation is to describe critical steps in designing a usercentered mixed methods process evaluation and implement the process evaluation within an existing program. Three objectives of this dissertation include: 1) develop a conceptual framework for conducting user-centered process evaluations of web-based diet and exercise programs for middle-aged and older cancer survivors; 2) inform the design of a user-centered process evaluation by leveraging insights from “think aloud” interviews collected during the beta-testing phase of the AMPLIFY program (a webbased diet and exercise program designed to support healthy lifestyle needs of older cancer survivors); and 3) present results from a user-centered mixed methods process evaluation of the AMPLIFY program. Three methods were employed for this dissertation: 1) a systematic review was conducted to identify process evaluation constructs relevant for developing a conceptual framework utilizing 4 databases representing health science (PubMed and Embase) and business journals (Business Source Premier and ABI/Inform); 2) a secondary qualitative data analysis of AMPLIFY beta-testing “think aloud” interviews; and 3) a user-centered process evaluation of the AMPLIFY program utilizing a concurrent mixed methods design. Results from the systematic review included 10 articles retained for the review synthesis and identified 6 constructs (i.e., 2 complex constructs and 4 supporting iv constructs) organized into a process evaluation conceptual framework. Results from the secondary analysis of beta-testing “think aloud” interviews informed the qualitative component of the process evaluation of the AMPLIFY program (e.g., interview questions related to usefulness, motivation and satisfaction with the program). Integrated results from the mixed methods process evaluation provided insights about participants’ experiences with the program from debrief surveys and individual interviews (e.g., results from semi-structured interviews confirmed and explained responses from quantitative debrief surveys and website user engagement data). Embedding a user-centered mixed methods process evaluation into a web-based diet and exercise program for older cancer survivors can be supported with a conceptual framework and secondary data analysis of beta-testing “think aloud” interviews. Using a mixed methods process evaluation design ensures perspectives from program participants are incorporated in the evaluation.



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