All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Fred J Biasini

Advisory Committee Members

Daniel Marullo

Sylvie Mrug

Marsha Sturdevant

Lynda Wilson

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) College of Arts and Sciences


The current study aimed to determine whether HIV-infected mothers and their infants benefit from infant massage training. Because a number of risks, including maternal depression, high levels of maternal stress, decreased ability to perform parental tasks, involvement in risky behaviors such as drug use, inferior Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale performance, and externalizing behavior problems in the children, have been associated with HIV-infected mothers and their children, this population was a sensible choice for intervention. A great deal of information related to the benefits of infant massage for a variety of at risk infants is available in the literature, however, only a few studies have focused on infants of HIV-infected mothers. This study looked at the effects of infant massage on HIV-infected mothers and their infants, particularly in the areas of parental stress, depression, maternal confidence, and feelings about physical contact.



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