All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Jack Lemons

Advisory Committee Members

John O Burgess

Patricia Devilliers

Amjad Javed

Lance C Ramp

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Dentistry (MScD) School of Dentistry


Objective: This investigation was to evaluate (>10 year) bone response around custom (HA plasma coated) dental implants and HA particulate. Materials and Methods: Three individual post mortem mandibular COI Implants with surrounding bone were processed at six transverse locations to obtain non-decalcified ground sections (20-80µm)(n=36) and stained initially with methylene blue/basic fuchsin. Slides were evaluated to select (n= 8) slides for regions of interest along the perimeter of the implant, using optical microscopy (Olympus BX51 microscope) with a Retiga EXi color digital camera (Olympus, Center Valley, PA) and Bioquant VR software (R&M Biometrics, Nashville, TN) at an original magnification from 1-100X and examining 1 mm around implant component. Additional non-decalcified sections were processed (n=5), TRAP stained and examined, focused on osteoclast cells that were identified by TRAP staining. Histomorphometric analyses showed peri-implant area coverage of residual CaP coating at 46.6% for all specimens. TRAP staining showed the most osteoclastic activity along CaP surfaces, followed by the CaP implant-coating and the residual alloy implant to bone contacting regions. Due to a small sample size statistical analyses were not utilized. Conclusions: Analyses of bone-implant interfaces and osteoclasts from non-decalcified sections of three patients (>10 year) post mortem custom dental implants showed very different interactions where CaP implant-coatings were being replaced, particulate CaP were partially replaced, and osseous integration along all types of implant surfaces was maintained.

Included in

Dentistry Commons



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