All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

John Burgess

Advisory Committee Members

Amjad Javed

Jack Lemons

Lance Ramp

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Dentistry (MDent) School of Dentistry


The overall objective of this in vitro study was to determine the biomechanical retention along fiber post interfaces to root canal dentin of four different fiber posts systems combined with five different resin cements (total-etch, self-etch and self adhesive systems) tested within different regions of dentin (cervical, middle and apical levels) and the core material alone. Scanning electron microscopy (SEMs) was used to evaluate the failure characteristics of the systems for root canal dentin and core material interfaces. Roots of freshly extracted first mandibular premolars, without caries, cracks or defects were selected. Radiographs made from mesiodistal and buccolingual directions were used to exclude teeth with abnormal canal shapes and the roots were initially instrumented. Fiber post were cemented under constant load, light cured, stored (37°C/48hrs/distilled water), sectioned (six sections, two 1mm thick sections per region producing cervical/middle/apical specimens) and stored (normal saline/37°C/24hrs). Posts were also inserted into a custom Teflon mold and core material was packed around the post providing a 1mm thick and diameter of (4mm and 8mm) with all systems light cured and stored (37°C/48hrs /distilled water). Push-out tests were performed and data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey/Kramer post-hoc tests (a=0.05). SEM evaluations were used to evaluate the apical sections and post to core specimens. The bond strengths were significantly affected (a=0.05) by the luting agent and the root position. RelyX Unicem 2 and Robust SmartCem 2 (self adhesive cements) had ignificantly higher bond strengths compared with ParaCore (self etch) and MultiCore flow, FluoroCore 2 (total etch). The apical region of the root canal had significantly higher bond strengths compared with the middle and coronal regions. The SEM showed a complex mixed failure mode in the apical third for all the dentin and the post to core specimens.

Included in

Dentistry Commons



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