All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Charles Monroe

Advisory Committee Members

Robin Foley

Haibin Ning

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Materials Engineering (MSMtE) School of Engineering


Cold-Formed (CF), High-Frequency (HF), Electric-Resistance-Welded (ERW) tubing is manufactured using a continuous roll forming process where a flat steel strip is progressively formed into a round which is then passed through an induction coil to be heated prior to having the heated edges forged to make a weld. A somewhat common issue, particularly as the thickness decreases and outside dimension increases, is an elastic edge wave that ultimately sets into a plastically deformed strip edge that cannot be successfully joined into a welded tube. Many variables can cause or exacerbate this effect including strip not centered in the mill, significant thickness variation across the width of the strip, tooling not properly lined up in the mill and tooling design issues. Herein, material properties and tube mill lateral alignment are examined regarding the formation of edge wave and poor quality. Material properties, within a specific range, do not have a noticeable impact on poor quality. Tube mill alignment (in the horizontal plane) does have a noticeable impact and poor alignment does contribute to the formation of edge wave.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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