All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Kathryn D Morgan

Advisory Committee Members

O H Griffin

John A Dantzler

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) College of Arts and Sciences


The United States has a considerable prison population. More than 90 percent of prisoners will be released back into society. Faced with an increasing number of prisoners being released each year, reentry programs have become a popular tool to ensure successful reentry back into society. Research has indicated that successful completion of a reentry program reduces the likelihood that a former prisoner will return to prison. Travis Hirschi argued that when individuals have strong bonds to society they are less likely to exhibit criminal behavior. This study uses Hirschi’s social bond theory as a basis to identify factors that influence reentry program participant outcomes. Data from the Jefferson County Community Corrections Program operated by UAB’s Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities (TASC) was used to examine the relationship between the tenets of social bond theory and program completion.



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