Advisory Committee Chair
Nandor J Simanyi
Advisory Committee Members
Alexander Blokh
Alan Sprague
Wenzhang Huang
Shan Zhao
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) College of Arts and Sciences
In this dissertation, we include three mostly self-contained papers which each describe the homotopical rotation set of a billiard flow on a three-dimensional flat torus. Each model is discussed in detail, radial estimates are computed for the homotopical rotation sets, and topological entropy is computed using various methods. We also provide proofs of some characteristics of the so-called admissible rotation sets.
Recommended Citation
Moxley, Caleb Charles, "Homotopical Complexity of Several Billiard Models" (2016). All ETDs from UAB. 2531.