All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Roy P Koomullil

Advisory Committee Members

Gary Cheng

David R McDaniel

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) School of Engineering


Many applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) require higher order spatial accuracy to resolve the flow field. A few examples of these complex flows include heat transfer problems associated with hypersonic flows, flapping wing simulations, turbo-machineries, rotorcrafts, aero-acoustic problems, and transition to turbulence. Methods being used within the CFD community to achieve higher order spatial accuracy include discontinuous Galerkin schemes, weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes (WENO), and spectral volume (SV) schemes. Complex flow problems involving complex geometries may necessitate the use of generalized grids for the discretization of the domain. Generalized grids contain elements of multiple types and allow for a structured boundary layer near surfaces of interest and an unstructured mesh in the flow domain. This paper details the development of a third order accurate WENO scheme. In addition to providing higher order accurate spatial resolution, the scheme can utilize three-dimensional generalized meshes consisting of four to six sided elements. The WENO scheme has been developed for use with an existing HYB3D flow solver. With the higher order spatial accuracy of the numerical scheme along with the use of generalized meshes, this paper details the groundwork for providing a means for the creation of accurate simulations of complex flow fields involving complex geometries.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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