Advisory Committee Chair
Gordon Fisher
Advisory Committee Members
Gary R Hunter
Eric P Plaisance
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Physical Education (MPE) School of Education
THE EFFECTS OF 6 WEEKS OF HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING VS. MODERATE INTENSITY TRAINING ON CHANGES IN BODY COMPOSITION COREY NOLES KINESIOLOGY ABSTRACT Background: It is important to identify strategies to promote exercise adherence and to identify an optimal exercise stimulus to prevent adverse health outcomes associated with obesity. Low-volume high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has recently been shown to improve a number of cardiometabolic health outcomes similarly to moderate intensity exercise training (MIT) despite requiring 1 hr of training per week for HIIT vs 6 hrs for ET. However, less is known about HIIT and its effects on body composition. Purpose: To compare the effects of six-weeks of HIIT vs MIT for improving body composition. Methods: Subjects were 22 overweight sedentary males (Age: 20 ± 1.5, % fat: 31.8 ± 6.4). Cardiovascular fitness, peak power, and body composition were assessed at baseline and 6 weeks post training. Results: A significant time effect was observed for % body fat (P < 0.05), VO2 peak (P < 0.05), android fat (P < 0.01), and gynoid fat (P < 0.01). No significant improvements were observed for changes in lean tissue or peak power. No significant group x time interactions was observed between HIIT and MIT. Discussion: HIIT and MIT both led to significant improvements in multiple characteristics of body composition, including % fat, and android and gynoid fat deposition. These data suggest that despite a lower volume and training frequency, HIIT and MIT provided similar benefits for improving body composition measures in overweight adolescent males. Key words: obesity, HIIT, MIT, body composition, android, gynoid
Recommended Citation
Noles, Corey, "The Effects Of 6 Weeks Of High Intensity Interval Training Vs. Moderate Intensity Training On Changes In Body Composition" (2015). All ETDs from UAB. 2596.