All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Nicolaas Geurs

Advisory Committee Members

Michael Reddy

Philip Vassilopoulos

Ruth Aponte

Daniel Givan

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Dentistry (MScD) School of Dentistry


Background: Implant placement should be based on a restoration-oriented treatment plan with correct three-dimensional positioning to allow optimal support and stability of surrounding hard and soft tissues. After tooth extraction the alveolus remodels producing changes in the soft tissues contours. This may translate into the inability to place the implant or in a non-esthetic restoration. In contemporary esthetic implant dentistry, the main objective is to maintain the socket dimensions and soft tissue contours to allow ideal implant placement and to provide a harmonious restoration. Objective: To evaluate if socket grafting with FDBA with or without PRP or rhPDGF in site preservation techniques play an important role in the final soft tissue contours of single implant supported prosthesis in the anterior maxilla. Materials and methods: A cross sectional investigation of the impact of site development techniques in the soft tissue height on single implant-supported prosthesis in the anterior maxilla, was performed. Implant restorations and fixtures were selected retrospectively from those placed at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Measurements were done by using a modification of the "Schei ruler". Results: In Group 1 there was a mean loss of soft tissue height of 0% and mean bone gain of 0.5mm. In Group 2 there was a mean loss of soft tissue height of 5% and a mean bone gain of 0.5mm. In Group 3 there was a mean loss of soft tissue height of 7.5% and a mean bone gain of 0.125mm. In Group 4 there was a mean loss of soft tissue of 7.143% and a mean bone loss of 0.333mm. Conclusions: Socket preservation procedures done prior to implant placement did not result in preservation of soft tissue height on single implant supported prosthesis at the time of cementation. The addition of growth factors to bone grafting materials did not enhance osseous and soft tissue healing. Dental implant design did not result in a difference in bone and soft tissue height at the time of cementation. Completion of the study with a larger number of observations and greater follow up time will allow for more definitive exploration of these relationships.

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Dentistry Commons



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