All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Linda Searby

Advisory Committee Members

John Dantzler

Howard Houser

Gary Peters

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education


This study assesses the validity and reliability of the Leader Resilience Profile (LRP©), a quantitative survey instrument designed to measure the strength of multiple dimensions of resilience typically evident in leaders. Although content of the LRP© was initially tested for construct validity by a panel of experts, reliability and internal validity were not tested. The current research uses data gathered in a cross-sectional survey to analyze the individual instrument items and the instrument as a whole for internal consistency, validity, and reliability utilizing exploratory factor analysis. The study sample consisted of 327 LRP© surveys completed from January 2011 through August 2011. Demographic data on survey respondents were examined, revealing a sample comprised predominantly of females relatively early in their professional careers. The 72 variables produced a correlation matrix with sufficient positive correlation to continue with an exploratory factor analysis. The final four-factor solution was achieved with maximum likelihood factor extraction and a promax rotation. Retained factors have eigenvalues greater than one, and cumulatively explain 66.64% of the sample variance

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