All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Kau Chung How

Advisory Committee Members

Patrick Louis

Terpsithea Christou

Christos Vlachos

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Dentistry (MDent) School of Dentistry


The degenerative temporomandibular joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, TMJ ankylosis, condylar resorption is successfully treated by total joint replacement. The aim of this study was to examine the function of Temporomandibular joint after total joint replacement. 15 patients with unilateral or bilateral TMJ total joint replacements and 15 healthy controls were evaluated via SICAT JMT+ device. This non-invasive system measures 3D position and rotation in all degrees of freedom and allows undisturbed functional mandibular movements to provide a quantitative evaluation. In addition, a TMJ questionnaire consisting the subjective symptoms was also obtained. Mandibular movements after total joint replacements were recorded during opening closing, protrusion, and lateral excursive were all significantly decreased than those of controls. Maximum incisal opening in the treatment group was 33.5 +/-5.5mm, Left lateral movement was 1.9+/-2.7mm, right lateral movement was 1.7+/-1.7mm and protrusive movement was recorded 2.8+/-2.1mm. The p-value comparing study and control group indicated significant difference (p <.0001) between two groups. The study group stated a high level of satisfaction with the total joint replacement. In conclusion, proper treatment guideline is needed to be established for better understanding of the outcome of this comprehensive approach.

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Dentistry Commons



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