All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Nada Souccar

Advisory Committee Members

Chung H Kau

Amjad Javed

Nate Lawson

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science (MS) School of Dentistry


PERCEPTIONS OF FACIAL ATTRACTIVENESS: OUTCOMES OF ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY BRITTANY REID DEPARTMENT OF ORTHODONTICS ABSTRACT Perceptions of physical attractiveness contribute to generalized assumptions that can create significant bias in social decision-making. Because these biases exist, patients often seek ways to improve facial harmony and overall appearance. Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery are treatment modalities that may be considered as a means to achieve facial balance. Orthodontists and oral surgeons must have an understanding of facial beauty and how to properly carry out techniques in order to preserve or improve facial balance. More importantly, the treatment goals of the patient and clinician(s) must coincide. The objectives of this study were to evaluate perceptions of orthognathic surgery outcomes, evaluate whether panels of observers with different levels of orthodontic experience assess facial attractiveness similarly, and to determine what soft tissue features influence assessment of facial attractiveness. In a three-part questionnaire, laypersons, dental students, orthodontic residents, orthodontists, oral surgery residents, and oral surgeons were asked to rate facial attractiveness of surgical and non-surgical patients, select a preference for surgical "before-and-after" photographs, and rank facial features that contribute to facial attractiveness. Although assessors perceived postsurgical patients as less attractive than non-surgical patients, a far greater percentage of assessors preferred the post-surgical face to the pre-surgical face. The association between attractiveness rating and treatment modality (surgical vs. non-surgical) did not vary by the assessor's background. There seems to be no consensus on a hierarchy of

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