Advisory Committee Chair
Robert Weech-Maldonado
Advisory Committee Members
Nadia Abdulaziz Fentianah
Kristine Ria Hearld
S Robert Hernandez
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Executive Doctor of Science (DSc) School of Health Professions
The study examined the relationship between cultural competence training programs and the levels of cultural competence among expatriate nurses in Saudi Arabia. Cultural competence training programs are believed to increase the awareness of expatriate nurses in Saudi Arabia in regards to issues that might arise from cultural differences between patients and healthcare providers. Healthcare professionals, and healthcare organizations, emphasize the importance of culturally competent healthcare environments in providing optimum healthcare services to individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Findings from the study suggested that participation in cultural competency training is associated to higher cultural competency scores. Additionally, age was positively associated to cultural competency scores. Conclusions drawn from this study provide insights on the potential contribution of cultural competence training programs in the area of cultural competency development among healthcare workers. Keywords: Cultural competency, diversity, training programs, expatriate nurses.
Recommended Citation
Saleem Al-Ansary, Naof Faiz, "The Effect of Cultural Competency Training Programs on Expatriate Nurses' Levels of Cultural Competence in Saudi Arabia as Measured by The Inventory for Assessing the Process of Cultural Competence (IAPCC-R)" (2017). All ETDs from UAB. 2888.