All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Jim Braziel

Advisory Committee Members

Kerry Madden

Kieran Quinlan

Gale Temple

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences


TABOO is a novel aimed at capturing the hardships of contemporary American society, especially its youth. The ongoing financial crisis of the early 2000s takes its toll on nearly every American. Budding, college educated youths find themselves somewhat disenfranchised in modern America. TABOO, through its hard-luck protagonist Conrad Kemp and his struggle to make a living as a freelance journalist in New York City, considers aspects of freedom in an ailing America. So too, the novel focuses on ephemeral freedoms, or temporary escapes, most of which are not always publicly palatable. Our taboo activities, sexual or innocent, provide a sense of escapism behind closed doors. Conrad delves into a world where private taboos become public taboos, delivering much more than temporary pleasure or freedom.



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