All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Abidin Yildirim

Advisory Committee Members

Arie Nakhmani

Leon Jololian

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) School of Engineering


Face recognition is the use of technology to recognize specific facial features using camera hardware and detection software. Face recognition has been used in many fields, both industrial and personal for such tasks as security and controlling home appliances. We define a smart home as a living space that can be equipped with wireless control systems and devices, for instance, uses radio frequency or infrared communication, to automate or simplify the operation of devices. In this Thesis, we investigate the development of a system that controls appliances around the house based on particular individuals using face recognition. The system will allow the user to enter their preferences as it relates to the use of particular appliances. The system design is based upon two dynamic databases: one contains images of all individuals that are to be recognized and the second contains the list of tasks and activities for that particular individual. Once the system recognizes the person, it would search the database and carry out the assigned tasks. There are many benefits of the proposed face recognition system, in terms of convenience, time, and cost saving.

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Engineering Commons



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