All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

David E Vance

Advisory Committee Members

Michael Crowe

Shannon Morrison

Erica Pryor

Virginia G Wadley

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Nursing


DELETERIOUS EFFECTS OF HYPERGLYCEMIA ON COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING IN THE CARDIA STUDY COHORT MICHELE LYN HOLLAND TALLEY SCHOOL OF NURSING ABSTRACT With an aging society, maintaining cognitive functioning into older age is becoming more important. Because of the impact cognitive functioning has on daily activities, any disruption may inhibit the ability to perform such daily activities successfully. To prevent disruptions, determinants of cognitive functioning must be considered. Such determinants may or may not be modifiable. Some predictors may be demographic, metabolic, or inflammatory in nature. In addition, predictors or determinants may differ based on genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease. As part of a three article dissertation, a subset of data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study was used to conduct this dissertation study. The first article focused on a review of literature related to determinants, including hyperglycemia, of cognitive function later in life. The second article focused on the use of hierarchical regression models to determine the predictors (e.g., hyperglycemia) of cognitive functioning in persons with and without genetic predisposition (i.e., the APOE Ɛ4 allele). The third article used structural equation modeling to specify relationships between body habitus, hyperglycemia, inflammatory markers, vascular health, and lipids; which were hypothesized to predict cognitive functioning 5 years later in those with and without APOE Ɛ4. Keywords: hyperglycemia, cognitive functioning, metabolic predictors, inflammatory predictors

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Nursing Commons



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