Advisory Committee Chair
Donna J Slovensky
Advisory Committee Members
Gerald L Glandon
Herman R Foushee
Frank F Ferris
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Health Professions
The aim of this study was to develop and translate a psychometrically valid and reliable, population-based, needs assessment instrument, the PCNA-EAV, to measure the health care and support needs of patients with advanced cancer. The cross-sectional study design combined qualitative and quantitative methods, to test instrument reliability and validity, and to examine the association between sample characteristics and health care and support needs. The 116-item, PCNA-EAV, comprised 10 domains of need: physical/functional; social; psychological/emotional; information; communication; helpful resources; financial; religious/spiritual; priority of need; and preference for care The target population was all cancer patients in the department of oncology at King Abdulaziz Medical City-Riyadh (KAMC-R), Saudi Arabia. The survey was conducted in three stages: pretest, pilot and retest, using a purposive sampling technique to recruit pretest and pilot subjects. Retest subjects were all participants in the pilot phase, who consented to be re-interviewed. Results for estimates of reliability and validity were mixed. Eight of the 16 PCNA-EAV scale and subscale estimates of reliability (Cronbach's alpha) were acceptable to excellent, ranging from α = 0.70 to α = 0.91. Test-retest reliability showed 11 of the 16 scales reliable over time (p =>.05), ranging from r(9) =.44, p =.17, to r(9) =.12, p =.72. Face and content validity were demonstrated, through expert panel review. P-values for the test for convergent validity are not significant (p.05); however, the trend indicates a positive association between variables, overall. This study extends existing work on cross-cultural instrument translation, adaptation, and validation. Further research is required, using multiple sites, and a larger sample size, to psychometrically validate the instrument, which has the potential to be a useful measure for use in Arabic-speaking, Islamic cultures.
Recommended Citation
Volker, Susan Edith, "Development And Validation Of A Palliative Care Needs Assessment Instrument-English/Arabic Versions (Pcna-Eav), For Use With Patients With Advanced Cancer" (2010). All ETDs from UAB. 3231.