All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Larrell Wilkinson

Advisory Committee Members

Retta Evans

Sean Hall

Lawerence Tyson

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Arts in Education (MAE) School of Education


Significant evidence has identified the importance of physical activity to the overall health and reduction in disease among humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) has implemented physical activity recommendations as guidelines to increase physical activity among the world population. However, evidence continues to show high levels of self-reported physical inactivity and growing prevalence of related chronic diseases (i.e. type 2 diabetes, stroke, and obesity), particularly among women. To increase participants߀™ knowledge of the benefits of physical activity and reduction of barriers continues to be focal point of interventions. However, studies indicate including more social, theory and cognitive aspects to these interventions may be more beneficial, i.e. using the health beliefs and body image as it relates to physical activity participation. This study performed a secondary analysis of data collected during the CALM Study, a study to evaluate the role of intensive counseling on exercise adherence and maintenance of physiological and metabolic outcomes. The aims of this study are: 1) Test the applicability of the Health Belief Model (HBM) constructs for an association with physical inactivity and sedentary behavior, and 2) Assess the association of the Multidimensional Body Self-Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ) subscales as a predictor of participation in physical activity and sedentary behavior. The findings in this study did identify a significant correlation between HBM construct Barriers and moderate PA; thus for research aim two the null hypothesis was rejected. However, for research aim one the null hypothesis was not rejected as there was no significant correlation identified. Additional findings suggest significant relationships between the subscale items of the MBSRQ and the constructs of the HBM with the sedentary bouts and all levels of PA did suggest there was some association. The results of this study fill a gap in knowledge related to women' s perceived risk associated with being physical active or inactive and the perceived body image as it relates to motivations associated with being physically active or inactive. It is important for educators to continue to examine the motivation identified by the health beliefs and body image of women as it relates to being physical active/inactive among sedentary women.

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Education Commons



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