Advisory Committee Chair
Kerry Madden-Lunsford
Advisory Committee Members
David Basilico
Leonard Kyle Grimes
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences
Paper Me is an autobiographical collage. It contains memoir essays, personal essays and comedic essays. Dark humor and sarcasm are the vehicle for the narrative voice throughout the collage. The narrative is arranged in a pseudo-chronological order, and traces a line through dotted memories: from the first memory as a child in pre-school, to the death of a friend after college. Addiction, Paternal Relationships, Politics, Absurdity/Humor, Poverty, Sociology and Philosophy are recurring themes in this collection. This is the author’s attempt to concretize a world view, as informed by personal experience, and to impart that experiential knowledge on the larger community, that they might gain some insight to their own lives and their relationships with those around them.
Recommended Citation
Whitehurst, Matthew David, "Paper Me" (2016). All ETDs from UAB. 3318.