All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Amy Dagley

Advisory Committee Members

John A Dantzler

Matthew Fifolt

Jenna M Lachenaye

William B Rogan

J Michael Wyss

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Education (EdD) School of Education


THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL IN PROMOTING TEACHER COLLECTIVE EFFICACY THROUGH ENABLING SCHOOL STRUCTURES: A MIXED METHODS STUDY CYNTHIA WILLINGHAM ABSTRACT This explanatory mixed methods research study was designed to utilize teacher perspectives to investigate methods by which principals develop and maintain teacher collective efficacy in their schools through enabling school structures. The research utilized quantitative surveys given to teachers in selected high schools followed by interviews with nine teachers in designated schools to answer three research questions. The research questions were designed to a) determine the relationship between teacher collective efficacy and enabling structures in high achieving high schools, b) examine the teacher perspective of their experiences directed toward cultivating and maintaining teacher collective efficacy on their schools, and c) to explain from the evidence gathered any quantitative differences in teacher collective efficacy and enabling school structures. The quantitative results indicated a positive correlation (.37) between teacher collective efficacy and enabling school structures and identified three schools with the highest scores on both variables. Three themes emerged from the qualitative phase as sources of collective efficacy: teacher teams, transparent and timely communication with teachers, and collaborative decision-making processes. Keywords: social cognitive theory, teacher collective efficacy, enabling school structures, professional leadership orientation

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