All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Nataliya V Ivankova

Advisory Committee Members

Elizabeth A Fisher

D Keith Gurley

Jacqueline A Moss

Betty Nelson

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education


To address nursing shortages in the healthcare workforce and expand access to higher education, many schools of nursing are offering academic degrees that can be completed mostly online. Nursing schools that consider online programs to be a key part of their strategic plan need faculty who are comfortable and satisfied with teaching online. Yet nursing schools nationwide are facing a shortage of nursing faculty, due to the retirement of aging instructors, high workload, low salaries, and other factors. To foster faculty gratification and promote long-term retention of skilled instructors to teach online, nursing schools need to learn more about factors that play a role in nursing faculty's satisfaction with teaching online. The purpose of this dissertation was to explore factors promoting nursing faculty satisfaction with teaching online from the perspectives of nursing faculty, administrators, and instructional designers at three schools of nursing in the southeastern United States. Qualitative research methods allowed 21 participants (nine faculty, six administrators, and six instructional designers) to discuss their experiences with and perceptions about nursing faculty's satisfaction with teaching online. Cross-case data analysis revealed common concerns and divergent viewpoints of the three participant groups. Dissertation research findings are reported in three separate articles. The researcher provides background for the study using a technology acceptance model as a framework for an empirical literature review about factors influencing faculty satisfaction with teaching online. The second article explores themes identified by participant groups regarding benefits and challenges for nursing instructors teaching online. The third article delves into how faculty's experiences with course design and delivery shaped their perceptions of their instructional roles in online courses. Findings suggest that addressing issues such as workload, academic integrity, communication, instructor support, and a lack of clarity about various institutional policies and procedures could promote nursing faculty satisfaction with teaching online.

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Education Commons



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