All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Ann Dominick

Advisory Committee Members

Lois Christensen

Charles Calhoun

Grace Jepkemboi

Tommy Smith

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education


This was a case-study design of the various ways students represented fractions on number lines. Students responded to task-based interview questions based on identifying fractions as a number on the number line as well as equivalency and problem solving. The tasks were administered individually to 26 fifth-grade students over a 15-minute time frame in their respective schools. The two groups of 10-year-old students answered most questions in written form on pencil and paper. The students were often asked to explain how they arrived at an answer. Student performance was highest when instructed to plot ½ on a number line of 0 to 1 as well as naming a fraction less than ½. Although no students attempted to solve the word problem with the number line as indicated, they performed lowest when they attempted to plot ½, ¼, and 1 on a number line with a predetermined unit 0 to 1/3. Other low performing concepts consisted of plotting ¼ on a number line from 0-3, identifying ¼ on a non-routine number line, and plotting a unit fraction with an equivalent fraction as well as an improper fraction on a common number line.

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