Advisory Committee Chair
Despina Stavrinos
Advisory Committee Members
Fred Biasini
Kristi Guest
Lesley Ross
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences
Teenage drivers, ages 16 to 19, account for about 16.8% of motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) in the United States, even though teenagers only represent about 4.4% of the United States population. Several factors increase teenagers’ risk for MVCs including: lack of driving experience, poor ability to identify and anticipate hazards, lack of sensitivity to road complexity and conditions, and increased willingness to take risks. Research has also suggested the importance of parental influences on risky teenage driving. This study examined the effects of parental driving styles, behaviors, and history on teenagers’ driving style using self-reported measures. Overall, it was hypothesized that parental driving factors (driving style, driving behavior, and driving history) would predict teenagers’ driving style. Further, it was hypothesized that parental reckless and careless driving style would be associated with teenage risky driving style and parental history of poor driving history (e.g., higher number of tickets and crashes) would be associated with these same negative outcomes in teenagers. Findings revealed no associations among parents and teenagers driving styles, driving behaviors, and driving history. Results found that the greater the amount of time a parent spends helping teenagers to drive, the lower teenagers endorsed anxious driving style. Implications and future research directions were discussed.
Recommended Citation
Wittig, Shannon Michelle Oram, "Examining the Relationship Between Driving Styles of Teen Drivers and Their Parents" (2015). All ETDs from UAB. 3364.