All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Chung How Kau

Advisory Committee Members

Ejvis Lamani

Terpsithea Christou

Patrick J Louis

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Dentistry (MScD) School of Dentistry


Purpose: To Assess mandibular movements, including mouth opening, lateral excursion, and protrusion among patients with total joint replacements and orthognathic surgery compared to healthy control participants with no known TMJ disorders. Methods: Fifty-two subjects from 18 to 66 years of age were included in this cross-sectional study, distributed in three groups: patients with total joint replacement (n = 16), patients who underwent orthognathic surgery (n=17), and healthy control subjects (n = 19) to quantitatively determine whether there is statistically significant difference among the groups regarding opening, lateral excursion, and protrusion movements. The non-invasive system SiCAT JMT+ device was used to measure jaw movement parameters in 4 dimensions (4D). Comparisons were evaluated with Pearson's chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, Wilcoxon test, and Steel-Dwass test to quantitatively identify whether there is a statistically significant difference among the three groups regarding mandibular movements. Results: In the current study measures reported were compared by gender and treatment group. The analyses conducted reported no statistically significant differences between male and female subjects in any of the variables assessed. Nevertheless, results showed there was a statistically significant difference in the measurements of the protrusive and excursive movements and mouth opening between total joint replacement and the OGS group and the healthy control subjects. Conclusions: The overall findings indicate that the OGS group has better outcomes in the four measures assessed than those reported by the total replacement group. The OGS group had normal measures in protrusion and excursion movements and between within limits to normal measures in mouth opening. Further comparative studies should include larger samples.

Included in

Dentistry Commons



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