All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Virginia P Sisiopiku

Advisory Committee Members

Robert W Peters

Wilbur Hitchcock

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) School of Engineering


The events of September 11th and the recent terrorist attacks on transit systems around the world have increased interest in protection and emergency preparedness for the transit systems. Emergency preparedness planning for transit systems is necessary to prevent distractions and effectively respond to major man-made or natural disasters. In this thesis a large-scale dynamic simulation/assignment model was developed and used to evaluate the impact of emergency conditions on transit operations in the Birmingham, AL, area. The Birmingham regional model was developed using the Visual Interactive System for Transport Algorithms. After the base model was tested and calibrated, a major traffic incident at a key network location was assumed and scenarios were developed to consider the impact of full and partial road closures and, traffic diversions using Variable Message Signs on traffic and transit operations and transit vehicle rerouting to assist evacuations. This study confirms the utility of traffic simulation modeling as a means for testing and evaluating emergency preparedness plans that serve the needs of various modes, including transit. The results also indicate that transit vehicles can serve the evacuation needs of captive users under emergency situations, thus contributing to the safe, efficient evacuation of people from affected areas. They can also assist the quick transportation of emergency responders to the affected site. The study findings are expected to assist reiii lated emergency agencies in better planning their responses and selecting implementation strategies with a greater potential for success.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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