Advisory Committee Chair
Gary R Hunter
Advisory Committee Members
Retta Evans
Jane Roy
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Arts in Education (MAE) School of Education
Objective: Previously we have shown that total free living energy expenditure (TEE) and greater fitness was associated with reduced long term weight gain and improved ability to estimate TEE from physical activity (PA) questionnaires. In the current study, it is hypothesized that women will overestimate questionnaire self reported energy expenditure (QEE). Furthermore, weight reduced women who exercise train will be better able to estimate TEE compared to weight reduced women who do not exercise train. Design: The participants consisted of 35 European American (EA) and 49 African American (AA) pre-menopausal women. These women were evaluated while overweight and when weight reduced. The weight loss was implemented by 800kCal energy consumption until they lost approximately 12 kg. The women were randomly assigned to aerobic exercise training (AT), resistance exercise training (RT), or no exercise control group during the weight loss. TEE using doubly labeled water as well as QEE (Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity (MLTPA)/ Tecumseh Occupational Activity (TEC) Questionnaire) were evaluated before and after weight loss. Overestimation (difference between QEE and TEE) was then determined. Results: Subjects overestimated QEE before and after weight loss. Overestimation decreased after weight loss. Significant time by group interactions shows that AT improved overestimation (429 kcal/day) more than RT (105 kcal/day) or diet control group (76 kcal/day). A positive relationship was shown iv between overestimation and subject body size independent of TEE and body fat percentage. A negative relationship was shown between overestimation and TEE. Conclusion: Premenopausal women overestimated EE on self reported questionnaires before and after weight loss. The ability to estimate EE on questionnaires improved after weight loss.
Recommended Citation
Greer, Micah D., "Exercise Training Improves Premenopausal Women's Ability To Estimate Energy Expenditure After Weight Loss" (2008). All ETDs from UAB. 3579.