All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Robert W Peters

Advisory Committee Members

Stephen McClain

Jason Kirby

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) School of Engineering


The purpose of this project was to perform preliminary energy audits at various state buildings in Alabama. Energy audits were conducted for a total of 18 buildings at the Department of Youth Services (Chalkville campus) and the Alabama State Capitol complex. Facility reports and summaries were prepared with the help of data obtained from building managers. Our research team identified areas in these facilties where energy conservation could be employed at no or low cost. The energy savings resulting from these audits were estimated based upon the guidelines presented in the Science Technology and Energy Division Guide for Calculating Program Annual Energy Savings, published in 2003. The estimated energy savings for the Chalkville site is approximately 9,000 million BTUs, with an associated economic savings of approximately $60,000. The estimated energy savings for the Alabama State Capitol complex buildings is approximately 3,400 million BTUs, with an associated economic savings of $22,000.

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Engineering Commons



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