Advisory Committee Chair
Kathryn Morgan
Advisory Committee Members
Heith Copes
Akhlaque Haque
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Science (MS) College of Arts and Sciences
Mental health courts have been established to help meet the treatment needs of the mentally ill offender. If mentally ill offenders commit crimes because of their mental illness, then by treating [them], society may benefit through reduced recidivism and improvements in social outcomes (Mears, 2004, 258). This study focuses on the Jefferson County Mental Health Court and its participants. It addresses two main research questions: 1) Who participants in the Jefferson County Mental Health Court; and 2) What factors exist to help predict who successfully completes the Jefferson County Mental Health Court? Unlike the majority of other mental health courts, this mental health court only accepts felony offenders. The unique structure of this particular mental health court makes this study crucial, as a mental health court model is in the development stages.
Recommended Citation
Null, Crystal Rena, "A Descriptive Overview Of The Jefferson County Mental Health Court" (2008). All ETDs from UAB. 3616.