All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Murat M Tanik

Advisory Committee Members

Gary J Grimes

Murat N Tanju

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) School of Engineering


Present software development methodologies suffer from a common disadvantage that they do not allow seamlessly mapping the final implementations to the originating requirements. Most of the advances made in this area have been in the form of policy rather than processes and framework which support that kind of tractability. New software environments constituting component-based software promise to change the present picture. Web services and semantic web are upcoming technologies. Their popular use in the software industry is inevitable, dependent only upon how fast they mature into reliable technologies. Web services evolved from component software technology which is based upon the concept of software reusability. Reusability of functionalities has been in existence since object oriented programming came into being. Semantic web technology on the other hand is an aggregation of various technologies and is a concept which is being implemented in different ways by different research groups. The common ground of most of these groups is representative data formats like XML and rule engines which would be able to act automatically on the data. Since the aforementioned technologies are new, they haven’t been used in collaboration to develop a software environment. The objective of my research is to build such a framework which makes uses of web services and semantic web and to deal with ii some of the problems associated with software development most markedly the intractability of requirements.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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