Advisory Committee Chair
Mark Lagory
Advisory Committee Members
Michael Brooks
Susan Davies
Ferris Ritchey
Michelle Wilson
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) College of Arts and Sciences
The decision to move among African Americans in a poor community encom-passes individual, household, and neighborhood characteristics. Previous research fo-cuses on the frequently studied middle class. Meanwhile substantive analyses on African Americans from poor communities remain largely understudied. The current study uses data from a low income African American community to study residential mobility deci-sions. A systematic, random sample of respondents completed a survey concerning their residential situation. Data were triangulated to add reliability and richness to the find-ings. The results show that the decision to move is not a function of residential satisfac-tion, but is influenced by neighborhood and sociodemographic factors. It is suggested that future research focuses on policy intended to increase homeownership and informal so-cial control. Future research should also concentrate on the health consequences associ-ated with movement behavior.
Recommended Citation
Hannon, Lonnie, "The Decision To Move: An Analysis Of Factors That Influence African Americans In The Ghetto" (2007). All ETDs from UAB. 3712.