Advisory Committee Chair
David Marcina
Advisory Committee Members
Cynthia Petri
Sharina Person
Joseph Telfair
B Lee Green
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education
This research study was designed to examine and compare how community engagement knowledge of Program Administrators and Community Health Advisors (CHAs) can be shaped and affected by social capital and community capacity. This was achieved by analyzing the Congregations for Public Health’s Search Your Heart Program. The analysis used a three one-way fixed-effects ANOVA model, one for each of the three research questions. Overall, the results showed that upon examination of each of the three relationship hypotheses there were no primary differences in average knowledge among the groups. The relationships were examined by characteristics such as project role, CHA training knowledge, years of volunteer experience, type of volunteer experience, and community engagement knowledge. At the end of the study, it was determined that the Program served as an excellent model for using CHAs in the promotion of community engagement. The presence of CHAs is proving to be beneficial in changing health outcomes when combined with concepts such as social capital and community capacity.
Recommended Citation
McCall, Kimberly, "Congregation For Public Health Examines Community Engagement Knowledge Of Program Administrators And Community Health Advisors Using Social Capital And Community Capacity" (2006). All ETDs from UAB. 3731.