All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Jerry Aldridge

Advisory Committee Members

Lois Christensen

Lynn Kirkland

Maryann Manning

Lou Anne Worthington

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education


The purpose of this research was to determine the situation and frequency of the use of English oral language by caregivers with young children who are orphaned. Two orphan centers in the state of West Bengal, India were chosen for this study. Interviews and observations of caregivers were used to determine the caregivers’ self-perceptions of their own fluency in English and the amount of English utilized by the caregivers with children in the orphan centers. A total of twelve caregivers participated in this study. Seven caregivers, three full-time and four part-time, three females and four males, participated at Center One. Five caregivers, three full-time and two part-time, two females and three males, participated at Center Three. Bilingual methods and direct instruction were used in both centers. English was used with the children in formal settings but rarely in informal settings. Recommendations included the building upon the use of bilingual instruction and utilizing caregivers who speak English to accomplish this task.

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