Advisory Committee Chair
Paul Blanton
Advisory Committee Members
David Schwebel
Mary Boggiano
Brenda Baumann
Tracy Ray
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) College of Arts and Sciences
Temperament, sensation-seeking, general personality variables, sleep patterns, and alcohol use have all been shown to be related to injuries in both community-based and athlete samples. However, these variables have not been studied in concert with one another to examine how they might interact to predict injuries. One-hundred and seventy-eight athletes (both football and soccer) completed pre-season alcohol use and sleep pattern questionnaires, as well as personality measures. The results indicated that playing football predicted more total injuries. No other personality, sleep, or alcohol use variables were predictive of injuries or injury related variables. Analyses also indicated that football players suffered more total injuries and more severe injuries than their soccer counterparts. Some interesting correlations were noted among the studied variables. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Osborn, Zachary H., "Temperament, Sensation-Seeking, Sleep Patterns, And Alcohol Use During A Competitive Athletic Season: Predicting Injuries In College Athletes" (2007). All ETDs from UAB. 3776.