Advisory Committee Chair
Allyson Hall
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Executive Doctor of Science (DSc) School of Health Professions
The opioid epidemic is a growing concern, and the health and economic impacts on rural and urban counties are increasing. Between 1999 and 2019, approximately 841,000 people died from drug overdoses involving heroin, synthetic opioids, and prescribed opioids with 71,000 dying in 2019. This study examined the relationship between drug overdose mortalities and three independent variables, (a) Medicaid expansion, (b) Years PDMP active, and (c) Academic detailing engagement. Results of this study will contribute to the literature by determining if the Medicaid expansion, years prescription drug monitoring programs active, and academic detailing engagement decrease drug overdose mortalities. This study includes a negative binomial regression model was selected versus the Poisson regression model due to over-dispersion within the dependent variable overdose deaths 2020. The final negative binomial regression model included all the independent variables and control variables to test their effect on overdose deaths in 2020.
Recommended Citation
Lee, Charles, "The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program And Its Effect On Drug Overdose Mortalities" (2024). All ETDs from UAB. 3875.