Advisory Committee Chair
Rouzbeh Nazari
Advisory Committee Members
Maryam Karimi
Wesely Zech
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) School of Engineering
The study includes four major analyses. Each analysis has its own uniqueness. The Temporal analysis intended to track the economic effect trends of major storms in small counties and large metro regions as well as compare how the percent GDP loss in these locations has affected. The study shows that unfavorable impacts of major storms of the same scale and intensity stood the greatest shift in GDP growth rate percentage along with greatest damage in terms of GDP particularly in the smaller counties during and after major storm event. In addition to that percentage change in population growth rate, personal income growth rate and employment growth rates were seen to be rising at an adverse pace. The Multivariate analysis provides a first attempt in developing replicable and robust index for measuring and monitoring the survival of places. Because the science of survival is still in its infancy, incremental empirical developments such as these are necessary to 1) Advance our understanding of the multidimensional nature of survival and its constituent parts, but more importantly to 2) provide metrics that are easily understood and applicable to the decision-making process. The Climatic analysis illustrates the fluctuation of several meteorological factors during the span of 40 years period from 1979 to 2019, using climatographs. Furthermore, along with the annual time series graphs it is feasible to conduct county wise comparisons with respect to major storm occurrences. The aim of ii utilizing ARIMA analysis to forecast climatic parameters county wise and monitor their future climatic trend from 2019 to 2057 to anticipate climatic parameters for each county.
Recommended Citation
Patel, Mukti, "Impact Evaluation of Major Hurricanes on Designated Southeast Coast Counties of USA Using Multivariate Analysis and Forecasting" (2021). All ETDs from UAB. 613.