All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Gerald McGwin

Advisory Committee Members

David Kimberlin

Russell Griffin

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) School of Public Health


Background: Human Coronaviruses (HCoV) are important pathogens associated with respiratory disease in humans and animals. The majority of HCoVs are emerging human pathogens with 7 known types causing human disease and 5 being identified in the last 2 decades. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of all encounters with known HCoV at a tertiary pediatric hospital from January 2015 until January 2018. Electronic medical records (EMRs) were reviewed for demographic data, HCoV type, viral copathogens, time to testing, admission, need for increased intensity of care (HLC), requirement for supplemental oxygen, radiographic findings suggestive lower respiratory tract disease (LRT) when available and the length of hospitalization (LOS). Results: We analyzed 450 encounters for 430 different patients. OC43 was the most common HCoV type. Seasonality was evident during winter and spring months. Nosocomial infections were identified in 11.43% of the encounters. HCoV type and the presence of copathogens were not associated with a requirement for hospitalization, need for either HLC or supplemental oxygen support. Patients < 5 years of age were more likely to be admitted to the hospital, need HLC and have nosocomial infections compared to patients > 5 years of age. Conclusion: HCoV are important respiratory pathogens in pediatric populations especially patients < 5 years of age. Different types of HCoVs have a similar impact on patients. HCoV may have bigger impact on nosocomial infections as compared to community acquired infections.

Included in

Public Health Commons



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