All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Amber Genau

Advisory Committee Members

Charles A Monroe

Gregory Thompson

Haibin Ning

Robin D Foley

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Engineering


As solidification science continues to evolve, better understanding of microstructure evolution opens up a vast range of opportunities for metallic alloys research and development. Traditionally, there is a strong link between materials processing and structure, which in turn influences their properties and performance in service areas. With the present rapid advancement in technology, materials scientists/researchers are faced with the challenge of understanding higher-order eutectic alloys due to their unique properties. In this research work, invariant and off-eutectic Al-Cu-Mg alloys are chosen as models because they have not received considerable research attention in comparison with other ternary eutectic alloys. The experimental samples are directionally solidified over a range of thermal gradients (G = 3 - 25 K/mm), velocities (V = 0.625 - 6 μm/s), and compositions. Multiple characterization techniques are used to qualitatively study the overall evolution of the microstructures and quantitative measurements provide additional insights. The results show that the mechanisms of microstructure formation in this alloy system is sensitive to factors such as imposed solidification conditions, crystallographic orientation relationships among the evolving phases, and the composition of the melt.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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