Advisory Committee Chair
Grace Jepkemboi
Advisory Committee Members
Jenna Lachenaye
Lynn Kirkland
Pamela Harman Hamilton
Yu-Mei Wang
Document Type
Date of Award
Degree Name by School
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Education
The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore 12 specific differentiated instructional strategies and their implementation by early childhood teachers who instruct kindergarten to third grade regarding content, process, and product components in the reading curriculum. This study was guided by three research questions: Question 1: Which specific strategies of differentiated instruction are being implemented in reading regarding content in curriculum instruction? Question 2: Which specific strategies of differentiated instruction are being implemented in reading regarding process in curriculum instruction? Question 3: Which specific strategies of differentiated instruction are being implemented in reading regarding product in curriculum instruction. Results from the study identified six differentiated instruction strategies that were being implemented to empower student success. Learning centers/learning stations/strategy skills was the number one strategy used by teachers. Ongoing assessments was the second highest rated strategy, and a variety of materials, varying questions, student interests, and tiered activities and leveled texts were included in the six strategies that emerged from the study. Implications for teachers, administration, and policy are discussed, as well as future research. Keywords: differentiated instruction, early childhood, reading, reading strategies, Carol Ann Tomlinson
Recommended Citation
Giles, Lynn Scott, "Differentiated Reading Instruction in the Early Childhood Classroom: Practical Strategies Empowering Student Success" (2020). All ETDs from UAB. 794.