All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Renato P Camata

Advisory Committee Members

Cheng-Chien Chen

David J Hilton

Raymond G Thompson

Yogesh K Vohra

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) College of Arts and Sciences


This dissertation reports on advances in the areas of PLD synthesis of FeSe aswell as laser-plasma simulations. We demonstrate the epitaxial growth of novel FeSe-based materials and heterostructures which is heavily guided by laser plasma simulations and experiments. We show how in-situ plasma diagnostics can be used to measure and deliberately control the plasma properties in order to improve film quality and enable unique growth configurations. A model for laser ablation has also been developed and is directly compared to experiments. The combination of plasma diagnostics and simulations can make PLD a powerful, well-controlled platform for growth of new materials and heterostructures.



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