All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Tina K Reuter

Advisory Committee Members

Jordan Kiper

Robert Blanton

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Arts (MA) College of Arts and Sciences


In this paper, I broadly describe the timeline of the conflict in Northern Ireland, examine negative and positive peace approaches to peacebuilding including political (or consociationalism-based), human rights-based, and reconciliation-based methods, and present my own conclusions based on the literature review I conducted as to the most efficacious strategy for ensuring long-lasting peace in Northern Ireland. To do this, I reviewed numerous articles, papers, and chapters on the conflict in Northern Ireland, approaches in post-conflict reconciliation, and conflict resolution theory. Because the conflict in Northern Ireland ended approximately twenty years ago, much of the research referenced in this paper is from that time period. I offer a current perspective which takes into consideration a more holistic view of negative and positive peace approaches. In addition, my conclusions offer a path forward from the negative peace achieved by the Good Friday Agreement. Further research should be focused on longitudinal studies of reconciliation and positive peacebuilding as more time passes from the end of the conflict, and on updating previous research with contemporary data.



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