Volume 02 (2002)
Complete Issue
PMS 2 (Complete Issue)
PoemMemoirStory Staff
My Father's Head
Stacy Bierlein
Women Who Could Not Have Babies, Then Did
Gail R. Henningsen
Permanent Green Light
Maria Casale
Wrongful Death
Wendy Reed Bruce
Calla Lilies
Irene Sherlock
The Shadow Knows
Candace Black
A Day in September
Nancy Johnson-Oberwanowicz
Invntory: Jewelry Box
Lynne Burris Butler
Lynne Burris Butler
A River Trip
MaryJo Mahoney
Still, Tilla
Sondra Zeidenstein
And So Forth
Ruth Stone
Stephanie Dickinson
Somewhere in a Box Marked "Keep"
Cheryl Dumesnil
Holiday Inn
Trixie Wilson
On The Way Home
J C. Watson
The Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee
Paisley Rekdal
Thicker Than Water - A Found Poem
Susan Thomas
Suzanne Burns
Not a White Girl
Allison Joseph
Catholic School
Michelle R. Smith
Doing Dishes
Toni La Ree Bennett
Dale M. Kushner
My Father Holding the Hounds
Felicia DuBois
The Abandoned Stables
Felicia DuBois
The Place of the Poem
Julie Steward
Front Matter
PMS 2 (Front Matter)
PoemMemoirStory Staff
End Matter
PMS 2 (End Matter)
PoemMemoirStory Staff