Volume 13 (2014)
Complete Issue
PMS 13 (Complete Issue)
PoemMemoirStory Staff
Tulsa Route 66
Bethany Mitchell
An Unrestored Woman
Shobha Rao
The Rosary
Melissa DeCarlo
House Menu
Heather Dundas
In the Land of Men
Antonya Nelson
The Paradise Within
Alison Chapman
My Hands, Remembering
Lauren Fath
Death of an Independent Bookstore
Christina Nettles
Rough Edges
Cynthia Ryan
New Jersey Noir
Stephanie Dickinson
Love for Jumpy Insomniacs
Mary Grover
Let Us Now Praise Rural Women: The Things They Jettisoned
Juliana Shipley
Interview with Antonya Nelson
Kerry Madden
The Gardedn in August
Madelyn Garner
A Good Seasonal Depression
Victoria McArtor
Folding Sheets
Judith O'Connell Hoyer
Black Abstraction
Jessica Jacobs
Edna, Sleeping at Grand Isle
Melissa Boston
Sunday Night
Tina Parker
Raising Jesus
Tina Parker
O'Keeffe Country
Susan Terris
Eve, Poland, 1942
Suzanne M. Levine
United Air
Suzanne M. Levine
Love Poem for Route 66
Carrie Jerrell
Love Poem for the Tallgrass Prairie
Carrie Jerrell
Ubi Sunt for the Family Road Trip
Carrie Jerrell
Sweeter Than Today
Elya Braden
New Year's Eve
Jenny Burkholder
When a Ghost Touches Your Body
Kristi Carter
Electric Bills
Naoko Fujimoto
Coal Sweet
Whittnee Thorp
Vindictive Grace
Yolanda Franklin
The Mobled Queen
Juliana Gray
Front Matter
PMS 13 (Front Matter)
PoemMemoirStory Staff
End Matter
PMS 13 (End Matter)
PoemMemoirStory Staff