PANDA cell-type-specific networks for S858R and WT mouse cerebral cortex
Author ORCID
Jordan H. Whitlock 0000-0002-9336-545X
Tabea M. Soelter 0000-0003-1654-4240
Timothy C. Howton 0000-0002-9423-0135
Elizabeth J. Wilk 0000-0002-7078-1215
Vishal H. Oza 0000-0001-6990-0267
Brittany N. Lasseigne 0000-0002-1642-8904
Publication Date
The below files are from the data/results directory of this associated project and include the following:
- PANDA networks : cell-type-specific TF-gene regulatory networks constructed using multi-omic inputs (snRNA-seq, TF-motif, and PPI) for all cell types in S858R and WT mouse cerebral cortex tissues (n = 16). All the files included for PANDA networks indicate the condition (heterozygous or control), tissue (cerebral cortex) followed by _PANDA.Rdata. (example: astrocytes_heterozygouscortexexpression_PANDA.Rdata)
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This data is available under the MIT License